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Laser printing

laser printing

You can have your name or mark printed on the scissors you purchased. We will create a souvenir or gift for you.
We can create original personalized commemorative items with your name, company name, school name, or special date. They are popular gifts for special occasions such as anniversaries, graduations, awards, and achievements!
*We generally do not accept returns after the item has been personalized.


600yen per piece
(tax included)
We accept orders for as little as one piece.
If you already have scissors from our company that are not engraved, we can engrave them for you.

If you have scissors made by our company that are not engraved

 *If you are using a product from another company, please contact us in advance .

Please send it to us with the enclosed documents below.
Items to be enclosed: the designated scissors ,

600 yen worth of postage for engraving, 500 yen worth of postage for return


Shipping address:

1700-15 Kanekoshinden Sanjo Niigata Prefecture
TOYAMA  HAMONO Co., Ltd.  to Name engraving department

TEL: 0256-35-1722

1. Please pay for the outbound shipping fee.
2. Please write "Name engraving request" in the item name column on the waybill.
3. Please be careful when packaging and shipping as this is a bladed item.
4. There is no designated delivery company.

◆Name engraving image

 It is inserted by laser.

Image of  Bonsai scissors

Image of Snips scissors

Image of pruning shears

名入れイメージ(イラスト) 英語ネット用.ai.jpg


 日本語 MS P明朝      例 外山刃物 あいうえお

 英 語 Lucida Console  例 ABCDEFG abcdEFG



 日本語 5文字 基本「縦」に入ります

 英 語 7文字 基本「横」に入ります






​ S-1、S-2、S-3、S-4、S-5、S-6



gift wrapping

プレゼント包装  | gift wrapping

スクリーンショット 2023-11-27 122640.png

 株式会社 外山刃物
 TEL:0256-35-1722 FAX:0256-35-3355


​ メールお問い合わせはこちらから→




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